Its Caturday!!

Happy Caturday my Furry Friends!!

Today the staff and I will be stock taking kitten collars. Seems like only yesterday when I was a young Kit. Having played a huge part in bringing up my Apprentice Lily Kit, I know how important it is to make sure the kitten collars match the fur! Wow she kicks up a fuss if  she doesn't have a collar on. Moaning about the house that she is having a "bad fur day" meow meow meow.

I myself being a more distinguished Kit, go for the leather collar look.

Lily is 2 in September so I may go shopping for a new collar with a bit of sparkle for her. That's the trouble when we stock take, I just can't help but shop! KittyKit is a pawsome place to work and the pension is good too!

Don't tell the staff, but they really work well to get our products just right and give us Kits the best life ever! Of course I will continue to get them running around after us Kits and only grace them with a lap sit on my terms :) Hey I'm a Cat, and that's just what we do ! :)

Have a great Caturday

Alfie Kit

The actual KittyKit Director
