Outraged Lily Kit!!!

Today we has had an eventz at KittyKit HQ! A daylightz robbers! While I was having my afternoon snoozles a rouge Kit entered KittyKit HQ and played with my favourite Nip Ball! *disgusted Lily Kit* but it got worsez, the roughen then took Lily Kits ball out and disappeared over the wall with Lily Kits ball!
We all know as Kits we are not allowedz to takez stuff from anyonez apart from the milkman!
*Outraged Lily Kit*
I bet you are wondering how Lily knowz about this as I was in deep snoozles?...... Well Alfie Kit saw the whole thing! Did he try and rescue Lily's favourite Nip Ball?? ... Noz! Why? Because he had been playing with the Nip Ball before and had conkedz out!
The Staff were too slowz to catch the cat burglar and have promised Lily Kit a new Nip Ball. Plus in lightz of the lack of security at HQ will buy Lily Kit a Nip Bear too.*Slightly forgiving mood Lily*
 I am notz currently talking to Alfie Kit and have taken up patrolz of KittyKit HQ. * Security Lily Kit*
I have of course hidden all my other belongings under the sofa as no Kits think of looking there. *Clever Lily Kit*

*excited paws to recieve brand new Nip Toys*

Lily Kit
