Sunday Walks

Hi Cool Kits!

I hope you have all had a great weekend?! Well the sun came out at KittyKit HQ today so the small staff took my Apprentice Lily Kit out for a walk on her Kitty Lead. Lily needs to wear a lead as she well has no sence of danger. Lity Kit is a small snow bengal, however she believes she is a snow lepard!! She quite willingly challenges the local dogs to dual and in fact the cars too! It was team decision to invest in a lead to keep her safe and still get the wind in her fur!
I on the other paw go free range outside, well under the watchful eye of the staff. So today during our walk the olympics flashed through my head and I thought "why not" and did my "bolt" across the road and grass. This did not go down well with the staff, they felt the need to escourt me back explaining the green cross code. Then to top it off.... I had a time out :/ Apperently although I am the actual Director of KittyKit it does not include making the staff panic. My paws won't be doing any Olympic events any time soon as it's back to work tomorrow. Wrap and pack the orders ready to be shipped to all those lucky Kit out there.  Cat bowls
